Micheal my Buddy !..

Why dog is a best companion 
What impact dog has in our life 

Micheal As narrated by Nandini

How he came in our house is something I have no memory of .  But how he became an integral part of our house is something, I have very vivid picture still registered in my mind .. as if these all events happened last day or to the max last week ..
Actually role of a dog is summarized so magnificently in this quote .. “If puppies could talk, I would never even try to make human friends.”
What comes out of these lines is Dog is not the part of your family,  rather it is the element which makes a family what it is ... a bundle of joy and most often than not makes a family the Perfect Family !
This is what Micheal was for me .. No matter how angry u behave with him and push him away from your sight with tight scolding, moments later u realize as if he did not hear or felt anything at all .. As he comes back and takes The Straight Sit position right in front of you with his front pair of leg resting on floor & wagging his tail with fervor and simultaneously nodding his head up and down .. and seeking your forgiveness .. Actually this posture is just a deception of  Micheal.. if for next 15 seconds you did not react, he gets it very clear that your mood is fine and he will start running towards you and this time jumping on you now as well  ..

All this is possible with Micheal because unlike many other domesticated animals Canine are blessed with super senses and a long history of mutual admiration.


  1. Very true and the way you have narrated is outstanding.

    These are one of the best lines i have ever read .

    All the best and Gid bless you NANDINI

    1. Thanks much to spare your valuable time .. Plot is from Nandini , but rest all is one by the Author! :)


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