Top 15 Mobile Applications - June 2020 !!

      Top 15 mobile Apps for Android Ecosystem

Since inception , human quest always has been to make living simple & effortless 

Mobile Apps have been a modern day magical door , knocking on which ... opens a plethora of effortless opportunities , which are simple , effortless and solving very complex situations of our day to day life . 

Mobile Application's Spread

What is Mobile App _

A mobile app, often developed by a programmer is a type of software application programmed specifically and exclusively for operating on mobile devices such as smartphones , Tablet or smart TVs.  This scope is going to be bigger and broader with each passing day .

Background Behind Mobile Apps_

With evolution of language and writing skill it became very convenient to conceptualize,  share , discuss various thoughts . This led to development of various tools which made journey of civilization more organic and fruitful. 

Post invention and wide spread of Internet ; things have come in fast forward mode . This is shaping the technology like never before . With access to fast internet and plethora of smart phone devices,strong urge for data was required while being on the go . Tablet was a cheap medium to consume data on the move but this  interface & design was little tedious .

A famous saying goes by - Necessity is the mother of all inventions . Hence mobile app came in existence !! 

Utility of Apps_

Mobile Apps have been impacting & improving our lives in a big and there are heading towards indispensable level .  Like there is no looking back i guess . This pasture is going to be green and greener with each passing day !!
Few top utility of apps I could think of are as below- 
  • Faster access of information 
  • Entertainment with engagement 
  • Personalized content 
  • Instant Online and Offline access 
  • 24*7 information / help on fingertips 
  • Critical support mechanism for Govt facilities 
Where to find these apps ... where else - Google Pay Store !! 

Top 15 Picks_
Race for Best Mobile Apps

I have found few apps very engaging which have caught the attention of wider user base in very short span of time & users are almost hooked on these apps.

I m breaking down my top picks basis the industry/domain they opearte in , to make the selection easy & relevant .  
Entertainment _  This field has witnessed fastest growth with wider reach across geographies & cultures . 
These apps have added new fun element in recreational domain. This has led to streams which were unimaginable  in wildest of dreams just a century ago . Three sub genre they have - movie/ tele content , gaming & news 

Top 5 picks  - 
Prime Video

Education_ High speed data & smart phones with technical specification which can shame any computer of last 2000era has made learning more fun & dynamic . 
Interactive content loaded with high graphic & audio video capability is being developed by mobile developers in Apps form for on the go people . 
Top 3 Apps -

Office Automation_ COVID -19 pandemic has turned out as a boon for this apps category , though it is an irony that these apps are not getting the credit they would have received in normal times ...  for obvious reason as business has suffered heavily & if some immediate respite is not taken from this virus ,we might be heading towards more grim scenario . 
Top 3 Apps-
Google Drive 
Office Suite

Administration & Authorities_
With ever increasing mobile population , various government agencies have also stepped up their efforts to reach their citizens 24*7 by a simple click . 
COVID-19 is testing the intent & capabilities of various authorities in Service Delivery . Various Apps have made much of an imapct & while doing so created flutter on privacy , invasion types of topics ..
Top 3 Apps_
mPassport Seva

Trends in Apps Industry_

Cheap data & ever increasing appetite for data will lead mobile apps to make a foray in many of uncharted territories. 
Few of the trends that I see happening in next 2-3 years with substantial economics impact are as below -
  • Increased mobile app usage
  • Beacon
  • 5G Adaption
  • Wearable Apps
  • IOT/ Artificial Intelligence 
  • Instant Apps
  • Chatbots
  • Cloud
  • Blockchain
  • Voice search 

The Journey Ahead_       

The Journey Ahead

What else download all of them and cherish the moments !!! Advisory - Buy a smart phone loaded with high specifications so that you do not  miss any of the action there !!

Poco X2
Realme 6 Pro
Samsung Galaxy M31
Samsung Galaxy A50
Asus ZenFone 5Z

*Basis descending price order



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