Automation at workplace & Road Ahead

                                      Automation _

I doubt anybody has missed the current buzzword which is making lot of noise & couple of burns in this COVID-19 period across geographies , economies & different cultures mostly for negative sentiments . 
This word is not new to human civilization ,but all of sudden it has captured immense mind share of everyone .

Automation Nomenclature -

Origin Latin language 
As per  Britannica Wed Dictionary The term automation was coined in the automobile industry around 1946 to describe the increased use of automatic devices & controls in mechanized production lines . The origin of word is attributed to D.S.Harder , an engineering manager at the Ford Motor Company at the time .

As evident from above , this word is a gift from Industrial Revolution of Great America as an aftereffect of Great Depression of 1929 . Which received lot of currency especially when this came from Great American Car Company of those times ..

Brief History of Automation _

Very nature of Homo Sapiens survival was based on mutual support   i.e. Adam or Eve whosoever landed first needed the company of other being to take the journey forward ... 
 I m of firm opinion that rather than developed by human in later course of civilization ,  Automation is something which was planted by Almighty God along with Adam & Eve from Day 1. 

With inception of stone age , Automation came in practice with full throttle , though not in literal meaning.. as speech / language was yet to evolve . Tribe of 
hunter-gatherer developed various tools  made from natural resources like wood , stone to kill their animal prey . As the civilization developed further & Cultivation came in practice , use of various tool to till land . This essentially  improved the productivity manifold . 
Fast forward to Industrial Revolution of early 20th century, which was successful purely because new level of Automation was envisioned and acted upon with electricity played a catalyst role in this big time ..

Reasons for Automation _
  • Increased productivity 
  • High cost of labor
  • Labor shortage 
  • Safety
  • Reduced manufacturing lead time 

At the height of Cold War , Automation can be defined as the final nail in coffin for any of the inferior or rather to say obstructive ideology  ...

Capitalist West bloc was an ardent propagator of Automation & took it as a mean of prosperity & happiness.  On the other hand Socialist East Bloc which was shrinking with each passing day, found solace in opposing this technique to survive with their ideology & maintain status quo . This is so evident when one see the emblem in communist flags or any other literature which was sickle and hammer ...( means they wanted civilization  to stop at farm _ field only and not to migrate at factories ..)

Any way this was going well till 90s & various forms of Automation was getting evolved , naming down below few of the prominent one -

  • Mobility Automation 
  • Home Automation 
  • Building Automation
  • Office Automation
  • Industrial Automation 

Threats of Automation _

With evolution of internet & fast speed data connectivity , various new streams of Automation are evolving rapidly . These will impact social economic landscape like never before .. The impact will be much bigger than adding last 3 centuries put together .  Few noticeable emerging trends are 
Internet of Things 
Wearable technologies
Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning 

And like every good story has some dark chapters , Automation also has a darker side . Automation has started effecting & will existential threats to below jobs by 2030 
Travel Agents
Postal couriers
Bank tellers
Factory workers

Probable  CTA ( Call to Action) _

A recent report by tech giant DELL claims that 85 percent of jobs that will be available in 2030 have not been invented yet , with the technological landscape set to become unrecognizable over the next 10 years .
Flexibility & a willingness to change career will be an important attribute to succeed in future job market .. 

Green Shoots 

Who would have thought of these few jobs 10 years before _ Blogger , Pet Walker,  RJ, You Tuber and many more 

What to Choose 
I will divide the way out from this mess Automation is going to make in 3 types _

Creative Jobs _ These will require genuine creativity , dream , passion , aspiration . These traits can not be copied by machines & are unique with each person  . Few of them are like Scientist , subject of  humanities ( literature, philosophy, history, law, politics, religion etc)  or business strategist . 

Relationship Based Jobs_ These require intricate detailing of human emotions.  Few of them are like Doctors , Wellness industry, Financial planner , Commission salesperson, Public relations etc 

Unpredictable jobs _ These jobs are created in extreme uncertain and unpredictable scenarios . Like current COVID-19 scenario . Few jobs in high demand are Delivery , Apps development, disaster management, electrician , plumbers etc .

In hindsight what looks to me is that Automation is not a zero sum game , but rather another evolution in human civilization & will be used to further advance the cause bestowed by All mighty God ..

COVID -19 shall create a mild turbulence but eventually Hopes/ Dreams/Aspirations will be Victorious like always !!



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