Covid 19- Culprit/Sufferer/Winner
Novel Covid 19- Culprit/Sufferer/Winner
Onslaught of Corona is looming large across geographies & I fear for a much longer duration , as many experts believe this pandemics will have reoccurring phenomenon . This prolonged issues has deeper consequences for 2 reasons - the speed with which it is catching up in new places & more critically because of no medical remedy in sight at least in near future.
As the world has turned into a global village in last 2 decades , future of countries & people is so much interconnected & inseparable. That is the reason why there is such hysteria & panic across the globe ..
5.7 millions people are effected so far out of total 780 million global population with death toll of 3.5 lakhs , so in sense the medical cost is not that high relatively when the same is compared with mortality from other common causes i.e Road accidents , Tobacco Alcohol related , HIV , Cardiovascular issues , Sugar & so many other chronic diseases .
But why then there is such negative sentiments floating around . It appears to me a new Geo political landscape is emerging not by mere accident .. rather this is turning out to be a smart game being played with/by various stake holders ..
3 Actors are Culprit/Sufferer/Winner
China - It is undoubtedly the sole originator of this crisis. But to imagine that the virus was created in some labs of China is a laughable thought .. not to doubt the technical capabilities of Chinese state but purely because China would not want any negative sentiments for it growing across globe especially when it is working hard to improve its soft skill at global level .
Supremacy of China is beyond doubt in anyone's mind both militarily as well as economically , hence China will not do this self goal act by making & spreading Corona Virus .
No doubt , being a cunning state , it realized very early that how contagious this virus could be .. so China started to manipulate this problem as opportunity by withholding the news related the disease.
The benefit it saw in this was to get other countries get infected & with minimum or no medical readiness to tackle will cripple their economy , which is already dependent on Chinese supply chain heavily .
So in totality China turned a Threat into an Opportunity though few thousands lives were lost by it ..
Western World/ affiliated countries -
One more time it is obvious that the western hemisphere is losing its relevance in today's globalized times . Who they are caught with rude shock is evident from the count of infected people & high mortality ratio .
This scenario is so intriguing cause of 3 points -
How come the virus transmitted so rapidly in one of the lowest population density geographies.
These developed countries with high per capita income used to boast of solid medical infrastructure & historically used every possible opportunity to embarrass / belittle developing or may i say their past colonies . The reality / effectiveness of this claim came crashing when their hospital were choked . Old Age Shelter Home are poorly managed & have highest mortality .
On contrary it was quiet a sense of Déjà vu when almost all of these countries requested India for abundant supply of HCQ ...
So these countries are victims of their own by choice where they preached too much to others & observed same little less in their own backyards ..Suffering is immense here both economically as well as humanly !!
South East Asian Block -
Even after having highly stressed healthcare infrastructure , High population density , lowest per capita income this block of nations have performed much better both in halting virus spread as well the cure of infected . Not to forget mortality rate is also lowest in this block ..
You as well as the rest of world must be wondering the magic behind this miracle ???
Answer is-
High immune system which came not by choice or luxury but by virtue of scarcity where people have to work double hard to make their ends meet on day to day basis
High survivor instinct , which was developed as genes, due to countless attacks faced by the peninsula since 1500 BC & each attack made them stronger than before .. The last invader country is facing one of the highest toll due to this virus .
With such high population , low earning the zeal shown by these countries especially India to fight & contain this virus is praise worthy which will pay dividends to it immediately .
Global Fall Out of this Pandemics -
Western world is highly annoyed & disturbed with Chinese conduct,since the unfolding of events . Their anger / mistrust with China is growing each day with wide belief to stop dependency on China as global supply chain hub . These countries shall look towards India , Thailand , Bangladesh with much more sincerity & urgency .With a large population already using same language English , half task is already done . The balance part is of skill development which can be done side by side .
2 more benefits for manufacturing base shift are readily available local market & cheap labor .
Once Economic might of China is compromised , the newly found muscle power will also come down crushing like pack of cards .. As apart from very few crooked regimes vast majority hate Chinese dominance .
Western world is exposed enough in this pandemic & due to loss in their economic supremacy wont afford to take china place in dominating world order by muscle power ..
This leaves world with multi-polar alliances, which will be based on mutual respect & common economic interest among participating countries !!
Extremely logical and candid points